Travelling from Vienna International Airport (VIE) to Turin Airport (TRN): what you need to know
During popular months like June, it's best to get to the airport earlier than usual. Arrive two hours before a domestic departure and four hours ahead of an international flight when you travel during peak periods in general.
Before booking your cheap ticket from VIE to TRN, check whether you need a visa to enter Italy. Travel document and visa requirements may differ and are updated frequently. For the most up-to-date information, contact the nearest consulate or embassy of your destination.
How to find the cheapest flights from Vienna International Airport (VIE) to Turin Airport (TRN)
The best price we've found for a one-way ticket from Vienna International Airport to Turin Airport is $200. The cheapest price for a return flight is $340. Remember that fares may change due to demand when booking.
Don't leave things to the last moment. You're more likely to find flight tickets from VIE to TRN if you book early. Airlines often have some amazing early bird discounts.
If you're flexible with your trip dates, try using the 'Whole month' tool. It'll give you the cheapest price in every month when searching for a ticket from Vienna International Airport to Turin Airport.
Create a Price Alert for flight tickets from VIE to TRN. There's no need to check back in every day to see if prices have fallen. We'll tell you when the price changes.
Tailor your trip with filters. Pick your ideal arrival and departure times, total journey duration and airlines. You can also sort results by 'Cheapest,' 'Fastest' or 'Best' flights from Vienna International Airport to Turin Airport.
Handy information about Vienna International Airport (VIE)
Located around 23 kilometres from central Vienna, Vienna International Airport can be reached in about 31 minutes by car, depending on traffic. The journey on public transport is roughly 58 minutes.
Have an early flight from Vienna International Airport to Turin Airport? Avoid the stress of rushing to the terminal (and enjoy a little extra shut-eye) by choosing one of these hotels close to VIE:
Arriving at Turin Airport (TRN)
If you're arriving on a late flight from Vienna International Airport to Turin Airport, few things top the convenience of staying close to the terminal. Grab your bags from the carousel and then be showered and sleeping soon after at one of these options near TRN:
Getting from Turin Airport (TRN) to central Turin
Turin Airport to central Turin is around 32 minutes by car. It's approximately 19 kilometres away. Find out what options are available, such as cabs, car rentals or ride-sharing services.
If you're travelling by public transport, expect a journey time of about 1 hour and 8 minutes.
When to fly to Turin Airport (TRN)
June is the most popular month for flights from Vienna International Airport to Turin Airport. To avoid the crowds, visit Turin in April.
When booking your flight from Vienna International Airport to Turin Airport, consider the kind of weather you enjoy. July is the warmest month in Turin, with the temperature ranging from 14 ºC to 33 ºC.
Look for flight tickets from VIE to TRN in January if you like travelling in cooler conditions. Temperatures are at their lowest then, ranging between -6 ºC and 9 ºC on average.
More about Turin
As soon as you've booked your flights from VIE to TRN, you'll need to find a hotel in Turin. Make one of these options your base for exploring this city:
There are so many things to discover in this city it can be hard to know where to start. Galleria Sabauda (Palazzo Reale), Egyptian Museum and Royal Palace of Turin are popular attractions which should be on any well-planned Turin itinerary.
Complete your Turin trip with hotels and a car rental
You've got your cheap ticket to Turin Airport — next up is finding a great stay, and perhaps even a set of wheels. We've compared prices across hundreds of companies to bring you the top hotels and car rental deals in Turin.